Exploring the Bauhaus Movement: A Design Revolution

The Bauhaus movement was a revolutionary art and design movement that emerged in Germany in the early 20th century. It was founded by architect Walter Gropius in 1919 and aimed to unite art, craft, and technology to create a new aesthetic for the modern industrial age.

Green Bauhaus Color Abstract Printable Wall Art

What were the key principles of the Bauhaus movement?

The Bauhaus movement was guided by several key principles:

1. Form follows function: The Bauhaus emphasized the importance of functionality in design. It rejected ornamental and decorative elements in favor of clean lines, simple shapes, and practicality. 

2. Integration of art and technology: The Bauhaus sought to bridge the gap between art and industry. It embraced new materials and technologies, such as steel, glass, and concrete, and explored their artistic potential.

3. Interdisciplinary approach: The Bauhaus encouraged collaboration between different artistic disciplines, including architecture, painting, sculpture, and design. Students were exposed to a wide range of artistic practices and were encouraged to experiment and innovate.

What were the main influences on the Bauhaus movement?

The Bauhaus movement was influenced by several artistic and philosophical movements of the time:

1. De Stijl: The Dutch art movement De Stijl, with its emphasis on geometric forms and primary colors, had a significant influence on the Bauhaus. The Bauhaus adopted De Stijl's principles of simplicity and abstraction.

2. Russian Constructivism: The Russian Constructivist movement, with its focus on functional design and the integration of art and technology, also influenced the Bauhaus. The Bauhaus shared Constructivism's belief in the transformative power of art and design.

3. Arts and Crafts movement: The Arts and Crafts movement, which sought to revive traditional craftsmanship in the face of industrialization, provided a foundation for the Bauhaus's emphasis on the integration of art and craft.

What were the main achievements of the Bauhaus movement?

The Bauhaus had a profound impact on the fields of art, design, and architecture. Some of its main achievements include:

1. Modernist architecture: The Bauhaus revolutionized architecture by promoting functional, minimalist designs. Its principles of simplicity, open floor plans, and the integration of indoor and outdoor spaces continue to influence architectural practice today.

Farnsworth House Chicago Illinois Bauhaus style architecture designed by Mies van der Rohe

Above: The Farnsworth House designed by Mies van der Rohe, 1945. Image courtesy of Architecture & Design.

2. Furniture design: The Bauhaus produced iconic furniture designs that are still highly regarded today. Bauhaus furniture is characterized by its clean lines, simplicity, and functionality.

Wassily Chair designed by Marcel Breuer and reproduced by Knoll Furniture

Above: The Wassily Chair by Marcel Breuer, available from Knoll.

3. Graphic design: The Bauhaus played a crucial role in the development of modern graphic design. Its emphasis on typography, visual communication, and the use of grids laid the foundation for contemporary graphic design practices.


The Bauhaus movement was a groundbreaking artistic and design movement that sought to redefine the relationship between art, craft, and technology. Its principles of functionality, integration, and interdisciplinary collaboration continue to shape the fields of art, design, and architecture to this day.