Tie Dye – To Die for, or a Dying Trend?

tie dye to die for thisbluebird

One color pattern that’s coming back in style with a vengeance is tie-dye. Love it or hate it, you will be seeing it around a lot this summer season. Let’s take a look into the history of tie-dye, as well as its current influences, and why it’s making a comeback.

History of Tie Dye

Tie-dying can be traced all the way back to the year 500 in Peru! Asia was also very involved in their own version of tie-dying called shibori, a process that involved stitching as well and was commonly used for kimono creating. In the west, tie-dying was first introduced in 1909 by a Columbia University professor who had samples of tie-dyed muslin and gave a presentation on it.

Tie-dye as we know it, however, didn’t become popular until the 1960’s. Janis Joplin and John Sebastian are credited to be among the first musicians to make this style popular, with Sebastian even producing his own tie-dyed products.

This trend had a brief downfall during the 70’s but came back with a vengeance in the 80’s and onward. This decade would be the first instance that tie-dye would be seen in high-fashion shows and in the work of renowned designers. The 90’s saw the grunge scene adorning this look, and many young kids used tie-dye to create their own t-shirts. Now, it’s making its rounds again in the high fashion world.


Current sightings of tie dye

Fashion lines in the ranks of Prada, Ralph Lauren, and others are embracing the tie-dye aesthetic, mainly for their 2019 summer fashion lines. Prada, taking classic shapes and hemlines that look like they belong in the 1950’s, are certainly showcasing how tie-dye can be romantic. Soft pinks, ivories, forest greens, and pastel yellows dominate their collection.

tie dye to die for thisbluebird

R13, on the other hand, are taking a more traditional approach – Grateful Dead logos are proudly emblazoned on their rainbow tie-dye shirts and are being paired with ripped jeans, tassels, and leopard print – the ultimate 1960’s rocker uniform.

 tie dye to die for thisbluebird blog

Why is tie dye popular again?

From Comme de Garcons, to Louis Vuitton, tie-dye is going to be everywhere this summer. But why? One big reason could be its nostalgic value. The pattern is a reflection of the peace and love movement, and in 2019, it feels as though we need that now more than ever. Millennials in particular are a generation that heavily leans towards nostalgia, so expect the younger crowd to be embracing this design full force.

What do you think of tie-dye fashion? Are you going to rock this look this summer? Let us know in the comments!